Monday, October 7, 2013

Shutdowns and Southerners

You would think we have done nothing the last few months, but really I am just a lame blogger. Now that I am home from work on furlough I really don't have any excuse. Last week was spent organizing my house, getting some much needed house provisions from Ikea and Target and spending one day at the zoo. SInce it seems like I will be home this week too I guess I can fit in some blogging. 

First things first, a cute picture of Wishbone to prove we haven't fatally neglected him yet. Despite his weak, almost desperate look in this picture he's just taking a nap between two couch cushions. 

Our friend Carrie invited us to go be Southern with her last weekend. We drove down to Anderson Georgia on Saturday to find out just what that means. We passed no less than 10 pecan and peach farms and we felt like we were in the country. When we got out of the car for the festival that feeling grew stronger. If our non-southern accent didn't give us away, our within-normal-range BMI most certainly did. The main draw of the festival was the civil war reenactment. It was entertaining to hear children in the crowd refer to the north (the union, the yankees) as the bad guys and the confederates as the good guys. It will be no surprise to anyone who has been to the South that the Confederate army won the reenacted battle. I take solace in the fact that despite the revisionist history that surrounded me that day the North had a long-game plan and ultimately triumphed. 

 Carrie is apparently our red-headed step child in this picture:)

 Re-enactors. Apparently it's quite a close-knit culture. 

 The troops lining up. In their defense the Union soldier really were terrible outnumbered. 

The Battle

 It wasn't good enough to just reenact a civil war battle they also had a shoot-out. While Carrie assured me that shoot-outs probably happened regularly on the South, I thought it was a stretch and the festival organizers were mixing genres. We all know shoot outs like that reenacted here are a wild west sort of event.

It is unclear to us whether this horribly drunk man was actually part of the production or if they improvised around his insistent participation. Either way he improved the performance and heightened the entertainment.

Let's hope the next blog post doesn't have to wait until the next government shutdown.